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Plastic Surgery


man occhiBlepharoplasty is performed to reduce the excess skin and / or eyelid bags. Not all patients need to remove both their skin and their excess fat (bags). In most cases, you need just one of the two things. It’s not possible to remove every wrinkle or fold of your skin around the eyes.


man orecchio

Otoplasty is the surgery that properly replace the so called “sticking-out ears”, creating a pleasant morphology of the ear without affecting hearing. It can be performed on one or both ears, depending on the blemish to correct. Anesthesia is local without sedation.


man naso

This surgery allows to change your nose shape and size in order to make your face more harmonious and proportionate. If there is a breathing difficulty, due to a nasal septal deviation or a turbinate hypertrophy, these blemishes can be corrected through a septoplasty and / or a turbinoplasty, simoultaneosly to the rhinoplasty.


man addomeAbdominoplasty surgery consists in removing excess fatty tissue and the folds of your skin in the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the abdominal wall. Diet and exercise are not enough to produce this result, because this operation is often performed together with the removal of the abdominal muscles and the weakening of the abdominal wall.


ginecomastiaThe term gynecomastia indicates an increase of the volume of the mammary gland in human beings. It is induced by various causes and may occur in any period of life. Currently ,the only treatment able to guarantee the resolution of this pathology is the surgical mastectomy, possibly combined to a liposuction.


man addome2Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes, without causing significant skin scars, excess fat localized in some areas of the body. The greatest benefits are drawn when the fat that has to be removed is localized in the trochanteric region (upper part of the thighs), in the abdominal region (when it is constituted by a modest accumulation in the subumbilical region), in the inner face of the knee, in the submental region.