Via Monte Zebio, 28 - 00195 Roma - Tel 06 3217314 / 3202449 -  - IT/ENG


Body Plastic Surgery



Abdominoplasty surgery consists in removing excess fatty tissue and the folds of your skin in the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the abdominal wall. Diet and exercise are not enough to produce this result, because this operation is often performed together with the removal of the abdominal muscles and the weakening of the abdominal wall.

Arm lift


Often, following a marked loss of weight, a relaxation can occur at the level of the arms, with excess skin. This surplus, particularly visible when arms are raised or extended, extends from the elbow to the armpit. The volume reduction of the arms can be performed simply by liposuction; this happens when the skin is sufficiently flexible and there is too much fatty tissue to be removed.

Inner thigh lift


Thigh lift surgery allows to remove the excess skin from the inner thighs. The surgery is often performed under general anesthesia and involves the presence of scars that, starting from the groin, reach the gluteal furrow. The results of thigh lift are immediately satisfying in relation to the age and to the firmness of the patient’s skin.


addomeLiposuction is a surgical procedure that removes, without causing significant skin scars, excess fat localized in some areas of the body. The greatest benefits are drawn when the fat that has to be removed is localized in the trochanteric region (upper part of the thighs), in the abdominal region (when it is constituted by a modest accumulation in the subumbilical region), in the inner face of the knee, in the submental region. 

Autologous fat transplantation


Lipofilling is a surgery that provides a graft of autologous adipose tissue (ie own) to correct a defective subcutaneous portion or to increase volumetrically small areas of both body and face. It is recommendable to correct the volume and profile of your face, your hands and body areas.